Tuesday 12 November 2013

Postcrossing Fun!

I've an account on Postcrossing. It's very fun to do it, you can send postcards, but you can also receive postcards. I send 3 postcard, and 2 received! Now I hope I can receive postcards. You can send postcards to the other side of the world. I have to send to Russia, Finland and Germany. I also have to make new cards for the U.S.A, The Netherlands -Then I can just write in Dutch ;) - and for the second time to Russia! 

You can buy cards, but you can also make the cards by your one. I do the last one, that's funnier.                        

*This is one from the 3 cards I made. *

I've also made the royal family of the Netherlands in cartoon style, and I made the Cathedral tower in Utrecht. 
Do you also want to do it? Just go to http://www.postcrossing.com/ make a account and join the project!

Lots of Love,


Amber said...

hey Dionne sounds like a fun project!!I would like 2 participate too, I've looked @ the site but there was one question I couldn't find an answer on...I thought maybe you could answer it;
can you also choose to what kind of person you'll send your postcards? (age,boy/girl) thnx already,

Robin said...

Wow, that card is really pretty!! I love your drawings :)